
Hydejack offers a few additional features to markup your content. Don’t worry, these are merely CSS classes added with kramdown’s {:...} syntax, so that your content remains compatible with other Jekyll themes.

NOTE: For an introduction to markdown in general, see Mastering Markdown and kramdown Syntax.

Table of Contents

  1. A word on building speeds
  2. Adding a table of contents
  3. Adding message boxes
  4. Adding large text
  5. Adding large images
  6. Adding image captions
  7. Adding large quotes
  8. Adding faded text
  9. Adding tables
    1. Scroll table
    2. Flip table
    3. Small tables
  10. Adding code blocks
  11. Adding math
    1. Inline
    2. Block

A word on building speeds

If building speeds are a problem, try using the --incremental flag, e.g.

bundle exec jekyll serve --incremental

From the Jekyll docs (emphasis mine):

Enable the experimental incremental build feature. Incremental build only re-builds posts and pages that have changed, resulting in significant performance improvements for large sites, but may also break site generation in certain cases.

The breakage occurs when you create new files or change filenames. Also, changing the title, category, tags, etc. of a page or post will not be reflected in pages other then the page or post itself. This makes it ideal for writing new posts and previewing changes, but not setting up new content.

Adding a table of contents

You can add a generated table of contents to any page by adding {:toc} below a list.

Example: see above


* this unordered seed list will be replaced by toc as unordered list

Adding message boxes

You can add a message box by adding the message class to a paragraph.


NOTE: You can add a message box.


**NOTE**: You can add a message box.

Adding large text

You can add large text by adding the lead class to the paragraph.


You can add large text.


You can add large text.

Adding large images

You can make an image span the full width by adding the lead class.



![Full-width image](https://placehold.it/800x100){:.lead data-width="800" data-height="100"}

Adding image captions

You can add captions to images by adding the figure class to the paragraph containing the image and a caption.

A caption for an image.


![Full-width image](https://placehold.it/800x100){:.lead data-width="800" data-height="100"}
A caption for an image.

For better semantics, you can also use the figure/figcaption HTML5 tags:

  <img alt="An image with a caption" src="https://placehold.it/800x100" class="lead" data-width="800" data-height="100" />
  <figcaption>A caption to an image.</figcaption>

Adding large quotes

You can make a quote “pop out” by adding the lead class.


You can make a quote “pop out”.


> You can make a quote "pop out".

Adding faded text

You can gray out text by adding the faded class. Use this sparingly and for information that is not essential, as it is more difficult to read.


I’m faded, faded, faded.


I'm faded, faded, faded.

Adding tables

Adding tables is straightforward and works just as described in the kramdown docs, e.g.

Default aligned Left aligned Center aligned Right aligned
First body part Second cell Third cell fourth cell


| Default aligned |Left aligned| Center aligned  | Right aligned  |
| First body part |Second cell | Third cell      | fourth cell    |

However, it gets tricker when adding large tables. In this case, Hydejack will break the layout and grant the table the entire available screen width to the right:

Default aligned Left aligned Center aligned Right aligned Default aligned Left aligned Center aligned Right aligned Default aligned Left aligned Center aligned Right aligned Default aligned Left aligned Center aligned Right aligned
First body part Second cell Third cell fourth cell First body part Second cell Third cell fourth cell First body part Second cell Third cell fourth cell First body part Second cell Third cell fourth cell
Second line foo strong baz Second line foo strong baz Second line foo strong baz Second line foo strong baz
Third line quux baz bar Third line quux baz bar Third line quux baz bar Third line quux baz bar
Second body       Second body       Second body       Second body      
2 line       2 line       2 line       2 line      
Footer row       Footer row       Footer row       Footer row      

Scroll table

If the extra space still isn’t enough, the table will receive a scrollbar. It is browser default behavior to break the lines inside table cells to fit the content on the screen. By adding the scroll-table class on a table, the behavior is changed to never break lines inside cells, e.g:

Default aligned Left aligned Center aligned Right aligned Default aligned Left aligned Center aligned Right aligned Default aligned Left aligned Center aligned Right aligned Default aligned Left aligned Center aligned Right aligned
First body part Second cell Third cell fourth cell First body part Second cell Third cell fourth cell First body part Second cell Third cell fourth cell First body part Second cell Third cell fourth cell
Second line foo strong baz Second line foo strong baz Second line foo strong baz Second line foo strong baz
Third line quux baz bar Third line quux baz bar Third line quux baz bar Third line quux baz bar
Second body       Second body       Second body       Second body      
2 line       2 line       2 line       2 line      
Footer row       Footer row       Footer row       Footer row      

You can add the scroll-table class to a markdown table by putting {:.scroll-table} in line directly below the table. To add the class to a HTML table, add the it to the class attribute of the table tag, e.g. <table class="scroll-table">.

Flip table

Alternatively, you can “flip” (transpose) the table. Unlike the other approach, this will keep the table head (now the first column) fixed in place.

You can enable this behavior by adding flip-table or flip-table-small to the CSS classes of the table. The -small version will only enable scrolling on “small” screens (< 1080px wide).

NOTE: This approach only works on simple tables that have a single tbody and an optional thead.


Default aligned Left aligned Center aligned Right aligned Default aligned Left aligned Center aligned Right aligned Default aligned Left aligned Center aligned Right aligned Default aligned Left aligned Center aligned Right aligned
First body part Second cell Third cell fourth cell First body part Second cell Third cell fourth cell First body part Second cell Third cell fourth cell First body part Second cell Third cell fourth cell
Second line foo strong baz Second line foo strong baz Second line foo strong baz Second line foo strong baz
Third line quux baz bar Third line quux baz bar Third line quux baz bar Third line quux baz bar
4th line quux baz bar 4th line quux baz bar 4th line quux baz bar 4th line quux baz bar
5th line quux baz bar 5th line quux baz bar 5th line quux baz bar 5th line quux baz bar
6th line quux baz bar 6th line quux baz bar 6th line quux baz bar 6th line quux baz bar
7th line quux baz bar 7th line quux baz bar 7th line quux baz bar 7th line quux baz bar
8th line quux baz bar 8th line quux baz bar 8th line quux baz bar 8th line quux baz bar
9th line quux baz bar 9th line quux baz bar 9th line quux baz bar 9th line quux baz bar
10th line quux baz bar 10th line quux baz bar 10th line quux baz bar 10th line quux baz bar

You can add the flip-table class to a markdown table by putting {:.flip-table} in line directly below the table. To add the class to a HTML table, add the it to the class attribute of the table tag, e.g. <table class="flip-table">.

Small tables

If a table is small enough to fit the screen even on small screens, you can add the stretch-table class to force a table to use the entire available content width. Note that stretched tables can no longer be scrolled.

Default aligned Left aligned Center aligned Right aligned
First body part Second cell Third cell fourth cell

You can add the stretch-table class to a markdown table by putting {:.stretch-table} in line directly below the table. To add the class to a HTML table, add the it to the class attribute of the table tag, e.g. <table class="stretch-table">.

Adding code blocks

To add a code block without syntax highlighting, simply indent 4 spaces (regular markdown). For code blocks with code highlighting, use ~~~<language>. This syntax is also supported by GitHub. For more information and a list of supported languages, see Rouge.


// Example can be run directly in your JavaScript console

// Create a function that takes two arguments and returns the sum of those
// arguments
var adder = new Function("a", "b", "return a + b");

// Call the function
adder(2, 6);
// > 8


// Example can be run directly in your JavaScript console

// Create a function that takes two arguments and returns the sum of those
// arguments
var adder = new Function("a", "b", "return a + b");

// Call the function
adder(2, 6);
// > 8

NOTE: DO NOT use Jekyll’s { % highlight % } ... { % endhighlight % } syntax, especially together with the linenos option. The generated table to render the line numbers does not have a CSS class or any other way of differentiating it from regular tables, so that the styles above apply, resulting in a broken page. What’s more, the output from highlight tags isn’t even valid HTML, nesting pre tags inside pre tags, which will in break the site during minification. You can read more about it here and here.

Adding math

Hydejack supports math blocks via KaTeX.

Why KaTeX instead of MathJax? KaTeX is faster and more lightweight at the cost of having less features, but for the purpose of writing blog posts, this should be a favorable tradeoff.

Before you add math content, make sure you have the following in your config file:

  math_engine:         mathjax # this is not a typo
    preview:           true
    preview_as_code:   true



Lorem ipsum f(x) = x^2.


Lorem ipsum $$ f(x) = x^2 $$.



  \phi(x,y) &= \phi \left(\sum_{i=1}^n x_ie_i, \sum_{j=1}^n y_je_j \right) \\[2em]
            &= \sum_{i=1}^n \sum_{j=1}^n x_i y_j \phi(e_i, e_j)            \\[2em]
            &= (x_1, \ldots, x_n)
                 \phi(e_1, e_1)  & \cdots & \phi(e_1, e_n) \\
                 \vdots          & \ddots & \vdots         \\
                 \phi(e_n, e_1)  & \cdots & \phi(e_n, e_n)
                 y_1    \\
                 \vdots \\


  \phi(x,y) &= \phi \left(\sum_{i=1}^n x_ie_i, \sum_{j=1}^n y_je_j \right) \\[2em]
            &= \sum_{i=1}^n \sum_{j=1}^n x_i y_j \phi(e_i, e_j)            \\[2em]
            &= (x_1, \ldots, x_n)
                 \phi(e_1, e_1)  & \cdots & \phi(e_1, e_n) \\
                 \vdots          & \ddots & \vdots         \\
                 \phi(e_n, e_1)  & \cdots & \phi(e_n, e_n)
                 y_1    \\
                 \vdots \\

NOTE: KaTeX does not support the align and align* environments. Instead, aligned should be used, e.g. \begin{aligned} ... \end{aligned}.

Continue with Scripts

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